Celebrating Teacher Appreciation in countless ways! From heartfelt notes to thoughtful gestures, we're showing our incredible educators just how much they mean to us!
Car wash Fundraiser
On Monday, a few RES students embarked on an exciting journey to the strawberry farm at Panola Orchards!
Learning about agriculture and where our food comes from is essential, and what better way to do it than getting hands-on experience in the fields! 🍓
Join us for a fabulous PTO Friendship Bracelet Sales event! 🎉 Don’t miss out on this chance to shop with purpose and strengthen our school community!
So many great events happening at RHS in the month of May!
We are excited to invite parents and community members to join us to celebrate the Class of 2024 at Decision Day!
➡️ Share this link with your friends and family and help support the RES PTO.
School Safety Committee Meeting
April 25, 2024 at 12:30 pm
at the RISD Training Center
April 8, 2024 was a ☀️Totality Awesome☀️ day at RES!
🌞🌑 What an unforgettable day at our school watching the solar eclipse! 🌟 Thanks to the generous donation of projection boxes by Mr. Crothers, every student at Rusk Elementary had a front-row seat to this awe-inspiring event! We marveled at the dance of the sun and moon safely, thanks to these amazing tools! 🙌 Let’s give a big shoutout to Mr. Crothers for making today’s experience possible! 🎉
Classes will resume at Rusk high school tomorrow, April 3rd, on our regular schedule. The building has been thoroughly cleaned and the air quality is good. All of the building's electrical systems have been checked and they are operating perfectly. The students that meet in the classroom that was damaged will be informed of their new room assignment by the High School administration. Grey Burton
After examining the damage from the fire at Rusk High School and meeting with the Restoration company, we have decided the campus will remain closed at least through Tuesday, April 2nd. We want to ensure the campus is safe for our students and staff. Cotton commercial restoration will be cleaning the affected areas, removing numerous ceiling tiles throughout the campus and having the air purified in the building. We are hopeful this work can be completed by the end of day tomorrow but we will send additional information through Remind and on social media to keep everyone updated as we progress. We have been approved for an attendance waiver for two days through the State and will apply for additional days if needed. Thank you for your patience as we work through this situation.
Grey Burton
***Después de examinar los daños causados por el incendio en Rusk High School y reunirnos con la empresa de restauración, hemos decidido que la escuela permanecerá cerrado al menos hasta el Martes 2 de Abril. Queremos garantizar que la escuela sea segura para nuestros estudiantes y personal. La restauración comercial Cotton limpiará las áreas afectadas, quitarán numerosas tejas del techo en toda la escuela y purificarán el aire en el edificio. Esperamos que este trabajo pueda completarse mañana al final del día, pero enviaremos información adicional a través de Remind y en las redes sociales para mantener a todos actualizados a medida que avanzamos. Hemos sido aprobados para una exención de asistencia por dos días a través del Estado y solicitaremos días adicionales si es necesario. Gracias por su paciencia mientras trabajamos en esta situación.
Grey Burton
Rusk High School Advanced Academic Night.
Thursday, March 7, 2024 at 5:30 in the RHS Commons.
Want to know more about PreAp, AP, Dual Credit, CTE Dual Credit, Core Complete or earning an Associates Degree at RHS? 8th grade students at RJH and all students at RHS are invited to learn about the advanced academic opportunities provided at Rusk High School. Parents are encouraged to attend.
ATTENTION: 8th Grade Parents
Hey Class of 2024...still need to submit your FAFSA? Join us for our Final FAFSA Workshop on 2/20 from 8 am to 7pm. This is a come and go event to help you complete the process. Remember that FAFSA is a requirement for graduation.
Cap and Gown Delivery Day! We will be distributing caps and gowns on Thursday, 2/22. If you are borrowing, please make sure to bring it on Thursday for our group picture. Also, remember to bring your money for your 2024 tassel. Tassels are $15. If you need a Cap and Tassel, they will be $30
Seventh Grade Parents--please join us at Rusk Junior High on Monday, February 19 at 5:30 pm for information regarding 8th grade and High School.
February is CTE month! It's a time to raise awareness of the role that CTE has in preparing students for college and career success. Rusk ISD serves more than 400 students daily within the CTE classrooms of Rusk Junior High and Rusk High School.
We currently have 11 programs of study. Next year, we will be adding Law Enforcement, Entrepreneurship, and Marketing & Sales.
We couldn't make it happen without the teachers who strive to provide career exploration prior to graduation! A huge THANK YOU to...
Coach Boyd, Coach Lee, Mr. Hanrahan, Mr. Acker, Ms. Dunn, Ms. Foreman, Ms. Chandler, Mr. Martin, Coach Williams, Mr. Rawlings, Ms. Smith, Coach Hogg, Mr. Hopper, Ms. Redfield, Coach Richardson, & Coach Kollet.
Senior Parents...it is FAFSA time! Join us on February 1st to complete this graduation requirement. We are looking forward to seeing everyone.