Rusk ISD will not have school tomorrow, Tuesday January 16th, due to icy road conditions. We will resume classes on Wednesday.
Reminder that Monday, January 15th is a school holiday to observe Martin Luther King Jr. Day. Friday, January 19th is a regular school day.
Over 40 students in Ag Mechanics received AWS certifications this semester! Congratulations to the students! We are thankful for the tireless hours of teaching and mentoring by the teachers!
Christmas is a magical time of year, especially in the eyes of young students. We are excited to show our holiday spirit during the week of December 18-21! We encourage students to participate, but is not a requirement.
Christmas Fun at RHS!
TJC Spring Dual Credit Enrollment and Payment Set Up is tomorrow, 11/28 at RHS.
The Fourth Annual Rusk High School Career Fair is taking place today. All high school students and eighth graders from Rusk Junior High will get the opportunity to talk to a people from a variety of career pathways.
We are thankful for our community members who are participating in this year's event. We appreciate the hard work by our high school counselors that goes into planning this opportunity for Rusk ISD students.
Thanksgiving Break
November 20-24.
Students return November 27th.
Rusk Eagles Football Bi-District Playoff Game Information
Friday, Nov. 10 at 6:30 p.m.
Game Location: Pleasant Grove HS
5406 McKnight Road, Texarkana, TX
Ticket Prices: $6 Adult / $4 Student
Tickets are online only and can be purchased at
*There will be no cash/credit sales at the gate*
Let’s Go Eagles!!
Rusk High School Health Science students toured CHRISTUS TMF in Jacksonville as they prepare for their clinicals. These students will have opportunities to certify as Clinical Medical Assistants and/or Phlebotomists by graduation in May.
Tickets for 9/JV games in Van can be purchased online at:
Stock the Stock Trailer RISD annual food drive.
September 25-28, 2023
Otra inscripción está disponible para clases de ESL para miembros
adultos del hogar de estudiantes de Rusk ISD el 19 de Septiembre.
Llame al 903-533-0330 y asista al registro a las 5:30 el 19 de
Septiembre para poder asistir a clases los Martes y Jueves.
Another Registration is available for ESL classes for adult household
members of Rusk ISD students on September 19th. Please call
903-533-0330 and attend registration at 5:30 on September 19th in
order to attend class on Tuesdays and Thursdays.
Tomorrow, September 8th will be a regular school day. Please make sure that students are in attendance.
Monday, September 4th is a school holiday. Friday, September 8th is a school day. Please be sure that students are in attendance.
RHS Mini Cheer Camp.
Registration forms are available at all campuses and can be turned in to a RHS cheerleader or the child's homeroom teacher by Wednesday, September 6.
When: Saturday, September 23 3-6 PM.
Where: RHS Old Gym.
**Camp fee is $35; This includes a t-shirt & a snack**
Campers will perform at the varsity home game on October 6 at 7:30
Varsity football game vs Crockett on 9/1/23. Game at Crockett start time changed to 8:00 p.m.
Varsity football game vs Fairfield on 8/25/23 start time changed to 8:00 P.M.
Here are a couple of resources that your family may be interested in. We will continue throughout the year to post opportunities within our community that could be helpful, in addition to information from our campuses. If there is something specific you are looking for please feel free to contact me.
Thank You,
Laeil Pepin
Family & Community Engagement
903-683-5592 (ext 1030)
This is another example of Our's all about our students! #makeitcount