Class of 2028...Freshmen Orientation is scheduled for August 1st. We look forward to sharing all things RHS with you as you prepare for your freshmen year. Freshmen Orientation will be a day full of learning, touring and spending time with your classmates as we gear up for a great 2024-2025 school year.
We are looking forward to meeting any students that will be new to RHS for the 2024-2025 school year. The process for enrollment will open online July 18th.
We are excited for the 2024-2025 school year at RHS! We look forward to seeing everyone for Schedule Pick-Up in the RHS Library.
Registration for Returning RHS Students Opens on Monday, June 17th. Please complete this process via Skyward for the 2024-2025 school year.
Stay connected with RHS to learn about all the great things happening. We encourage parents and students to follow their graduating class using the Remind App.
Any RHS student that has signed up to take Dual Credit courses next year that still needs to meet the TSI requirements, please email to sign up for a date.
After monitoring the weather for graduation this evening, we have decided to move the ceremony start time to 7:30pm. Gates will open at 6:45pm.
We appreciate your understanding and flexibility as we celebrate our Class of 2024!
Rusk High School will livestream the Class of 2024 Graduation Ceremony using the YouTube link below. The link will go live at 7 pm.
Join us as we celebrate the Class of 2024! Graduation will take place on Friday, May 24th at 8 pm on Dr. Jim Swink Field.
Save the Date...Prestige will be at RHS on July 30th and 31st to take Cap & Gown Pictures for the Class of 2025. Be watching for a postcard in the mail with information about scheduling a time slot for these pictures. These pictures will be used for the yearbook and for other various publishings during the Class of 2025 senior year. For more information, email
The 24th Annual RHS Scholarship Banquet is scheduled for Monday, May 13th in the RISD Auditorium. Presentation of awards will begin at 7:00. Friends, family and community members are invited to join us as we celebrate the Class of 2024.
The 2024 Spring Semester Exam Schedule and Exemption Criteria has been emailed to Rusk High School students using their school email. Please have your student check their school exam to review the criteria and schedule.
So many great events happening at RHS in the month of May!
We are excited to invite parents and community members to join us as we celebrate the Class of 2024 at Decision Day!
Congratulations to Leann Hogg for being this year's Rusk High School Teacher of the Year! The staff and students are lucky that you call Rusk home. Thank you for all of the time you give to your students, athletes, and our staff. You make everyone feel loved and appreciated!
Powder Puff has been cancelled for 2024.
All RHS students will be taking home an OPT-OUT form for our solar eclipse viewing on April 8th. All those who wish to not participate will need to bring this form, signed by a parent or guardian, back on Monday. Glasses will be provided for every student that would like participate! Please understand if you do not return the opt-out form you are giving your student consent to view!
Classes will resume at Rusk high school tomorrow, April 3rd, on our regular schedule. The building has been thoroughly cleaned and the air quality is good. All of the building's electrical systems have been checked and they are operating perfectly. The students that meet in the classroom that was damaged will be informed of their new room assignment by the High School administration. Grey Burton
After examining the damage from the fire at Rusk High School and meeting with the Restoration company, we have decided the campus will remain closed at least through Tuesday, April 2nd. We want to ensure the campus is safe for our students and staff. Cotton commercial restoration will be cleaning the affected areas, removing numerous ceiling tiles throughout the campus and having the air purified in the building. We are hopeful this work can be completed by the end of day tomorrow but we will send additional information through Remind and on social media to keep everyone updated as we progress. We have been approved for an attendance waiver for two days through the State and will apply for additional days if needed. Thank you for your patience as we work through this situation.
Grey Burton
***Después de examinar los daños causados por el incendio en Rusk High School y reunirnos con la empresa de restauración, hemos decidido que la escuela permanecerá cerrado al menos hasta el Martes 2 de Abril. Queremos garantizar que la escuela sea segura para nuestros estudiantes y personal. La restauración comercial Cotton limpiará las áreas afectadas, quitarán numerosas tejas del techo en toda la escuela y purificarán el aire en el edificio. Esperamos que este trabajo pueda completarse mañana al final del día, pero enviaremos información adicional a través de Remind y en las redes sociales para mantener a todos actualizados a medida que avanzamos. Hemos sido aprobados para una exención de asistencia por dos días a través del Estado y solicitaremos días adicionales si es necesario. Gracias por su paciencia mientras trabajamos en esta situación.
Grey Burton
Rusk High School Advanced Academic Night.
Thursday, March 7, 2024 at 5:30 in the RHS Commons.
Want to know more about PreAp, AP, Dual Credit, CTE Dual Credit, Core Complete or earning an Associates Degree at RHS? 8th grade students at RJH and all students at RHS are invited to learn about the advanced academic opportunities provided at Rusk High School. Parents are encouraged to attend.