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2025-2026 School calendar eagle head logo
Rusk ISD Bond Election 2025 May 3, 2025
Public Notice.  Rusk ISD will hold a public hearing to present and discuss the 2023-2024 Annual Report and Texas Academic Performance Report for Rusk ISD.  The meeting will be held February 10, 2025, at Rusk ISD's Board Room at 6:00 pm located at 203 E. Seventh Street, Rusk, Texas 75785.
January Happenings
Rusk ISD Earns State’s Highest Fiscal Accountability Rating  Rusk Independent School District officials announced that the district received a rating of “A” for “Superior Achievement” under Texas’ School FIRST financial accountability rating system. The “Superior Achievement” rating is the state’s highest, demonstrating the quality of Rusk ISD’s financial management and reporting system.  This is the 22nd year of School FIRST (Financial Accountability Rating System of Texas), a financial accountability system for Texas school districts developed by the Texas Education Agency in response to Senate Bill 875 of the 76th Texas Legislature in 1999 and amendments under House Bill 5, 83rd Texas Legislature, Regular Session, 2013. The primary goal of School FIRST is to achieve quality performance in the management of school districts’ financial resources, a goal made more significant due to the complexity of accounting associated with Texas’ school finance system.  “We are very pleased with Rusk ISD’s School FIRST rating,” said RISD Superintendent Mr. Grey Burton. This rating shows that our district is making the most of our taxpayers’ dollars. This rating shows that Rusk’s schools are accountable not only for student learning, but also for achieving these results cost-effectively and efficiently.”  The Texas Education Agency assigned one of four financial accountability ratings to Texas school districts, with the highest being “A” for “Superior Achievement,” followed by “B” for “Above-Standard Achievement,” “C” for “Standard Achievement” and “F” for “Substandard Achievement.”  Rusk ISD has achieved the highest rating for 21 prior years.
Semester Exam
FAFSA 12/24
December Happenings
Rusk Independent School District 203 E. 7th Street Rusk, Texas 75785.  New Information:  Regarding Medication Administration for the 2024-2025 R.I.S.D. Academic Year. A PHYSICIAN’S SIGNATURE is required to administer ALL medication,  including prescription and over-the-counter medication.  ________________________________________________________________________________________   REMINDERS:  ALL medications, prescription, and over-the-counter drugs should be delivered to the office staff/nurse on student’s campus. For safety reasons, students are not allowed to carry medications on them or in their backpack.  ALL medications must be in the original container and properly labeled. Label should include the student’s name, dosage to be administered, the prescribing physician’s name, the expiration date, and the name of the medication. The school will not administer any type of medicine that is not FDA approved.   The 2024-2025 RISD Medication Administration form must be completed and returned before any medication can be administered. For safety reasons, no exceptions can be made.  _____________________________________________________________________  Thank you for your cooperation and understanding in this matter. Student safety is our top priority at RISD. Should you have any questions, please contact your school campus nurse or administrators.
Remind Codes 2024
Flex Day November 22, 2024 May 27, 2025 May 28, 2025
2024-2025 School Calendar with Eagle head
Student Transfer Requests for the 24-25 school year
Eagle Nation Salon 495 Eagle Drive Rusk, TX 75785 | (936) 554.8185 Services start at the following prices: Men's Haircut &7. Beard, Mustache Trim $3. Shampoo/Scalp Massage $3. Women's Haircut and Style $15. Shampoo, Blowdry, Style $8. Color $20. Foil $35. Perm $35. Braiding $5. Silk Press $15. Manicure $7. Acrylic Nails $35. Pedicure $10. Waxing $5. Facial $15. Salon Hours:  Thursdays 2pm - 6pm.  Call or email for an appointment!